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Past Projects
COVID-19 Recovery Task Force
Client: City of San José
Jan 2022 - December 2022
With many in our community still experiencing the long-lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of San José started a major project to improve education about existing programs through outreach to identify best practices that facilitate genuine community feedback leading to the identification of new program ideas and solutions. The COVID-19 Recovery Plan intends to advance racial equity, mobility, and environmental goals in San José. Winter Consulting led community engagement alongside the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force through the Community Engagement Committee. Winter Consulting hosted one-to-ones with Task Force members, general Task Force meetings, Committee meetings, City staff feedback, and the input from the broader general public. In Summer 2022, Winter Consulting coordinated public engagement focus groups and workshops in partnership with the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force and members of the Lived Experience Group.
MTC's Leading with Equity Housing Case Studies
Client: Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Feb 2022 - June 2023
Winter Consulting worked with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and their Leading With Equity (LWE) Work Group to conduct research and develop case studies on innovative housing policies and practices that advance racial equity. Winter Consulting collaborated with equitable housing experts in Baltimore, Maryland and Berkeley, California to compile best practices for more equitable housing. These case studies will be used to inform future housing policies and programs with an emphasis on advancing racial equity.
Source: Santiago Mejia/The Chronicle
Jan 2023 - June 2023
Winter Consulting supported’s Equity Action Plan by conducting a variety of engagement activities to determine transportation issues and needs affecting equity priority communities of San Mateo County. Engagement activities included stakeholder interviews, industry and community based organization focus groups, and an online survey. Focus groups played a key role in connecting with historically underserved communities in the county and fostering partnerships with community organizations. Winter Consulting helped be inclusive of community engagement by facilitating focus group discussions in English and Spanish and translating the online survey into English, Spanish, Chinese, and Tagalog. will be using the community feedback Winter Consulting collected to improve their services and programs.
San Mateo Complete Streets Plan
Client: City of San Mateo
Jan 2023 - present
Winter Consulting is the main engagement lead for the San Mateo Complete Streets Plan which aims to gather meaningful input from San Mateo’s diverse community to help inform the development of safe, efficient, and accessible streets for a variety of transportation modalities, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users. Winter Consulting is conducting a robust engagement strategy, which includes the facilitation of stakeholder interviews, bike, walk, and transit tours, pop-up workshop events, focus groups, and hosting public workshops.
Stevens Creek Corridor Vision Study
Clients: VTA, CSJ, County of Santa Clara, City of Santa Clara, and City of Cupertino
Jan 2023 - present
The Stevens Creek Corridor Vision Study seeks to establish a shared vision and actionable steps for transportation improvements. Collaboration with San Jose, Santa Clara, Cupertino, Santa Clara County, and VTA will guide advancements in the corridor. Winter Consulting leads community engagement, gathering residents' input on challenges and opportunities. Through workshops, audits, focus groups, and stakeholder input, Winter Consulting fosters a collaborative approach to shape the corridor's future and cater to its diverse community. The two-year study ensures a comprehensive understanding of community needs, enabling targeted enhancements that align with the corridor's vision.
ACE Stakeholder Engagement and Marketing
Client: San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission
April 2015 - present
Winter Consulting leads ACE’s outreach to highlight the importance of ACE rail service in Santa Clara and western Alameda Counties and in the Bay Area as a region. Key activities include employer staff-level organizing, building and maintaining relationships with Silicon Valley and Bay Area C-Suite leaders, and maintaining and building relationships with partner agency staff and elected officials. Winter Consulting also led ACE’s DEIR outreach across Santa Clara County, conducting personalized stakeholder interviews, giving presentations, and facilitating larger public workshops. Winter also works closely with ACE's marketing team to develop strategies to encourage more people to ride the train.
Delivering Zero Emissions Communities
Client: City of San José
October 2021- present
Delivering Zero Emissions Communities is a one-year accelerator program organized by the Natural Resources Defense Council that aims to help cities across the country take bold action on climate change with the goal of moving toward 100% zero emissions commercial vehicles by 2030. Winter led the recruitment and facilitation of an Equity Task Force (ETF) made up of five CBO representatives to take part in the creation of innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by freight and commercial vehicles in San José. Winter also provides strategy, communications, and logistical support to the City for convening freight operator focus groups and supports the ETF in coordinating and executing community engagement in neighborhoods overburdened by freight and greenhouse gas emissions.
Countywide Transportation Plan
Client: Alameda County Transportation Commission
January 2020 - October 2020
The Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP) involved a needs assessment across a range of modes and policy focus areas, identified strategies to address these needs and apply best practices, and qualitatively assessed projects and programs with a focus on identifying priorities within a 10-year planning horizon. As engagement lead, Winter Consulting led all public outreach, including focus groups and online surveys.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update
Client: City of Union City
Nov 2019 - present
Winter Consulting is the engagement lead for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, which will help set Union City on a path toward significant increases in walking and bicycling. Key components of engagement have included stakeholder meetings focused on underrepresented groups, jobs access, transit access, neighborhood-based groups, and safe routes to schools. Online engagement has included focus group meetings in Spanish with clients of local social services organizations.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
Client: City of Dublin
Nov 2019 - present
The City of Dublin is aiming to create a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that reflects current state-of-the-practice and guides the development of a network of high-quality bicycle and pedestrian facilities. As engagement lead, Winter Consulting has solicited public input through online workshops and an online map-based survey.
Source: City of Dublin
Emerging Mobility Action Plan
Client: City of San José
November 2020 - March 2022
The Emerging Mobility Action Plan (EMAP) centers on racial equity to identify best practices in deploying and integrating new mobility services and technologies to ensure they serve everyone in San José, especially Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color (BIPOC). Central to this plan has been the formation of an Equity Task Force of BIPOC community leaders recruited and organized by Winter Consulting to oversee the project and ensure an equitable process through every stage of the plan with significant reach into historically underrepresented communities. Additional activities include workshops in multiple languages, ongoing strategic advising on the planning process, generating success metrics, policy recommendations, and providing an equitable engagement framework for future City projects.
Downtown Transportation Plan
Client: City of San José
January 2020 - present
The Downtown Transportation Plan is identifying and advancing the big transportation moves that will shape the desired future of downtown San José. The Plan will provide for a cohesive long-term transportation network with enough multimodal capacity to meet future demand. It also examines a variety of policies and programs to help meet the City’s mode shift goals. As the engagement lead, Winter Consulting orchestrated the creation of an Equity Focus Group and creative website content management platform. Winter Consulting also facilitated focus groups, listening sessions, and online public workshops, along with a Speaker Series that invited global leaders to share new concepts in dialogue with local leaders.
Source: City of San José
Move San José
Client: City of San José
March 2020 - present
Move San José, formally the Access & Mobility Plan, is supporting a shift in how people get around San José, making it easier for residents to walk, bike, ride buses and trains, and share rides with others. This plan is laying out a set of strategies to bring the bold transportation goals of Envision 2040 San José General Plan and Climate Smart San José to life. As the engagement lead, Winter's activities include keeping the public informed and receiving their feedback through interactive workshops in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, organizing TAC and PAC advisory committees, regularly engaging Community-Based Organization (CBO) partners, organizing and leading focus groups, circulating online surveys, building San José’s DOT engagement platform, and overseeing ongoing social media campaigns.
Source: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
One-Way Vehicle Pilot Project
Client: City of San José
March 2020 - September 2020
The City of San José was approached by an electric shared moped service company with interest in deploying. The City asked Winter Consulting to help lead community outreach to develop a program that serves the City’s emerging mobility needs. Winter Consulting conducted community outreach and engagement to introduce this service model to community members, and the initial proposed service area, for their feedback. Winter Consulting developed outreach materials, coordinated presentations, and solicited community input through an online survey.
Community Based Transportation Plan
Client: Alameda County Transportation Commission
September 2019 - July 2020
Winter Consulting led the strategy for all outreach and engagement on the Alameda CTC Community Based Transportation Plan Update with governmental, business, and community stakeholders. Community engagement included small stakeholder meetings, pop-ups, in-person intercept surveys, and online surveys. Community-based organizations in Central Alameda County (Ashland and Cherryland) were a particular focal point in addition to residents and organizations in other Communities of Concern.
Regional FASTER Measure Active Transportation Coalition
Client: Bike East Bay
June 2019 - Oct 2019
Winter Consulting facilitated the creation of a platform to include active transportation in future regional plans and funding mechanisms, such as Plan Bay Area and potential regional measures. The effort involved coordinating advocacy groups, community-based organizations (CBOs), equity partners, micro-mobility companies, and City/County staff across the San Francisco Bay Area region.
The majority of the project took place through a series of regional workshops to develop a strategy that groups across the region could support, and the result was an official platform endorsed by 29 non-profit organizations, micro-mobility companies, and others across all nine Bay Area Counties.
E. 14th/Mission Blvd. and Fremont Blvd. Multimodal Corridor Project
Client: Alameda County Transportation Commission
November 2017 - January 2020
The East 14th Street/Mission and Fremont Boulevard Multimodal Corridor Project built off of previous planning efforts, conducted a detailed analysis of multimodal mobility within the corridor, and identified specific implementable short-, medium-and long-term improvements. The corridor is a critical inter-jurisdictional arterial corridor that traverses five jurisdictions in Central and Southern Alameda County and is largely managed by Caltrans. Winter Consulting led and conducted all outreach and engagement on the project with both governmental and community stakeholders. Community engagement included small stakeholder meetings, pop-ups, intercept surveys, and formal workshops, as well as online map-based surveys.
Better Bike Plan 2025
Client: City of San José
July 2018 - Jan 2020
San José Better Bike Plan 2025 developed a citywide bicycle plan to advance a number of the City’s goals, including increasing rates of bicycling, reducing collisions, advancing equity, improving public life, and supporting economic vitality. In addition to managing more traditional outreach mechanisms such as the Technical Advisory Committee, giving project presentations, and tabling at events, Winter Consulting spearheaded the City of San Jose’s first experience with bringing community-based organizations onto the project team itself, and hosted a workshop entirely in Spanish.